This blog will follow my summer endeaver in Hancock County, Mississippi with Next Step Ministries. I will be an assistant site director where our team will be working all summer with Katrina relief while groups from all around the country will be coming up for weeks at a time. God is going to be moving BIG and I want to be able to share that with all of you!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Miracle Child

Confidence in Christ
Monday, July 19, 2010
3 Hours Later...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Big Week
Starting to feel the Home Stretch

Although this summer has been incredible and we still have three more weeks left, I think the whole staff is starting to feel the longing for home once again. Marisa leaves us after this coming week to do a trip to Alaska, so we will all have to take on a little more, especially me, to pick up her usual wonderful responsibilities throughout the week. Please be praying for that. My Staff minus Azad:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Why do words still hurt?
Material Things
Friday, July 9, 2010
Missions can only really happen once you
have run out of your own ideas and understandings
have become so frustrated you are ready to give up
have become so tired you have no energy to try anymore
then the Lord can step in with His full understanding, complete patience, and unlimited strength and energy to actually change hearts and see mission through your hands that you are finally willing to surrender to be used fully by the His hands!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Kitchen Fun

As a staff we have found that the best place to hang out is the kitchen and usually around dinner prep time. Everyone is really good about helping by picking up a knife and chopping some lettuce, stirring some beans, or taste testing ;) One night Azad decided to use his construction skills to build a house with the rice krispee treats for the night!
Lesson Learned or Learning...
Don’t you hate when you tell someone some really good wisdom and then have to learn the same lesson a week later. I usually say something like, “Lord, I already learned this lesson. Didn’t you hear me telling that other person about this? I don’t feel the need to learn this!” I told a good friend of mine last week that as a man he must put all his love out even though it may not be returned. This week was a hard week students wise. It was a really small group and half of them were related. They came from a small town and weren’t very susceptible to others, me. I did not feel like I really connected with the students or that they were even interested in getting to know me. They seemed pretty disrespectful and not interested in any programming we did. Some of this may have been because of the fact that their youth leaders both ended up not being able to come last minute because of the family death and so two leaders stepped in really quick. Maybe between the new dynamics to their group, the closeness of the group and town, and the fact that it rained like all week so I did not go on site a lot because of the small quarters of inside site work, all of these turned into little connection and bonds made for me this week. So I started to get kind of bitter and apathetic towards the group. I was putting less effort into getting to know them and having an attitude towards them. I then realized that I was doing the same thing that I was warning my friend against doing to the girl he was pursuing. Jesus did not call me down here this summer to only love the students that are respectful and who are easy to love but to love all including those hard to love and will give nothing in return. I needed to pray to get a heart change since mine was not right toward these students. It was too late to change my actions toward this week’s students, but I think it will change my perspective for the remainder weeks. I’m still learning!